From The Sea

Their faces with ingrained lines of knowledge, hard work, and salt, peering intently on the horizon as each swell pounds the bow of their ship. Feeling more at home on an often violent sea, than back at shore.These men are of a different breed.

They are fishermen.

They were more than the historically stereotyped image of fishermen we all have grown to know and understand. The boat and sea is not just a means of living but an extension of their identity and existence. As I worked with and photographed the fishermen I realized how unique these men are. Underneath their yellow slicks and blue gloves often layed gold watches, nike track suits, and tattoos of sea creatures. Markers of a more complex and widely unseen identity. As they stood in front of my large format camera I aimed to capture the true identity and complexities of being a Cornish fisherman.

Click to read more about From the Sea on Its Nice That.

From The Sea, 12x16 Handmade Book

The printed version of From the Sea consists of 29(12x16) handprints, 2 sheet of cut yellow slicks, and a sample of fishing net.

Special thanks to Proctor & Gamble Better Lives Foundation for funding this project.

Inquires reguarding commisions, viewings, or purchasing the project please contact me at


Thoughts of the Ocean